Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Publicacions del membres del CRAMC



GUARDIA-ESCOTE, L.; MORALES, M.; COLOMINA, MT.; SANCHEZ-SANTED, F. (2021). Exposición a contaminantes medioambentales, trastornos del neurodessarrollo y psicopatologías. Programación fetal. Ambiente de crecimiento y desarrollo prenatal. Madrid: Pirámide


ARAGONÈS, E.; RAMBLA, C.; LÓPEZ-CORTACANS, G.; TOMÉ-PIRES, C.; SÁNCHEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, E.; CABALLERO, A.; MIRÓ, J. (2019). Effectiveness of a collaborative care intervention for managing major depression and chronic musculoskeletal pain in primary care: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Journal of Affective Disorders, 252, 221-229. Impact Factor: 3.785

ARIJA, V.; HERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍNEZ, C.; TOUS, M.; CANALS, J.; GUXENS, M.; FERNÁNDEZ-BARRÉS, S.; VIOQUE, J. (2019). Association of Iron Status and Intake During Pregnancy with Neuropsychological Outcomes in Children Aged 7 Years: The Prospective Birth Cohort Infancia y Medio Ambiente (INMA) Study. Nutrients, 11 (12), 2999-. Impact Factor: 2.36

ASSENS-SERRA, J.;SERRANO-FERNÁNDEZ, M.J.; BOADA-GRAU, J.; BOADA-CUERVA, M.; MACIP-SIMÓ, S.; VIGIL-COLET, A. (2019). Health and Safety at Work in the Transport Industry (TRANS-12): Factorial Structure, Reliability and Validity. Anales de Psicología, 31(1), 116-123. Impact Factor: 0.9

BASAURE, P.; GUARDIA-ESCOTE, L.; BIOSCA-BRULL, J.; BLANCO, J.; CABRÉ, M.; PERIS-SAMPEDRO, F.; SÁNCHEZ-SANTED, F.; DOMINGO, JL.; COLOMINA, MT. (2019). Exposure to chlorpyrifos at different ages triggers APOE genotype-specific responses in social behavior, body weight and hypothalamic gene expression. Enviromental Research, 178, 108684-. Impact Factor: 5.026

BASAURE, P.; GUARDIA-ESCOTE, L.; CABRÉ, M.; PERIS-SAMPEDRO, F.; SÁNCHEZ-SANTED, F.; DOMINGO, JL.; COLOMINA, MT. (2019). Learning, memory and the expression of cholinergic components in mice are modulated by the pesticide chlorpyrifos depending upon age at exposure and apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype. Archives Toxicology, 93(3), 693-707. Impact Factor: 5.728

BOADA, R.; GUASCH, M.; HARO, J.; DEMESTRE, J.; FERRÉ, P. (2019). SUBTLEX-CAT: Subtitle word frequencies and contextual diversity for Catalan. Behavior Research Methods, 52, 360-375. Impact Factor: 4.062

CALDERON, C.; FERRANDO, PJ.; LORENZO-SEVA, U.; HIGUERA, O.; RAMÓN Y CAJAL, T.; ROGADO, J.; MUT-LLORET, M.; RODRÍGUEZ-CAPOTE, A.; JARA, C.; JIMÉNEZ-FONSECA, P. (2019). Validity and Reliability of the Decision Regret Scale in Cancer Patients Receiving Adjuvant Chemotherapy. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 54(4), 828-834. Impact Factor: 3.249

CALDERÓN, C.; NAVARRO-GONZÁLEZ, D.; LORENZO-SEVA, U.; FERRANDO, P. J. (2019). Multidimensional or essentially unidimensional? A multi-faceted factor-analytic approach for assessing the dimensionality of tests and items. Psicothema, 31(4), 450-457. Impact Factor: 1.551

CANALS, J.; VOLTAS, N.; HERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍNEZ, C.; COSI, S.; ARIJA, V. (2019). Prevalence of DSM-5 anxiety disorders, comorbidity and persistence of symptoms in Spanish early adolescents. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 28(1), 131-143. Impact Factor: 3.553

COSO, B.; GUASCH, M.; FERRÉ, P.; HINOJOSA, J.A. (2019). Affective and concreteness norms for 3,022 Croatian words. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72(9), 2302-2312. Impact Factor: 2.19

DE LA VEGA, R.; MIRÓ, J.; ESTEVE, R.; RAMÍREZ-MAESTRE, C.; LÓPEZ-MARTÍNEZ, A.E.; JENSEN, M.P. (2019). Sleep disturbances in individuals with physical disabilities and chronic pain: the role of physical, emotional and cognitive factors. Disability and Health Journal, 12(4), 588-593. Impact Factor: 1.471

DE LA VEGA, R.; MOLTON, I. R.; MIRÓ, J.; SMITH, A. E.; JENSEN, M. P. (2019). Changes in perceived social support predict changes in depressive symptoms in adults with physical disability. Disability and Health Journal, 12(2), 214-219. Impact Factor: 1.86

DE LA VEGA, R.; RACINE, M.; CASTARLENAS, E.; SOLÉ, E.; ROY, R.; JENSEN, M.P.; MIRÓ, J.; CANE, D. (2019). The Role of Sleep Quality and Fatigue on the Benefits of an Interdisciplinary Treatment for Adults With Chronic Pain. Pain Practice, 19(4), 347-458. Impact Factor: 2.187

ESCORIAL, S.; NAVARRO-GONZÁLEZ, D.; FERRANDO, P.J.; VIGIL-COLET, A. (2019). Is individual reliability responsible for differences in personality differentiation across ability levels?. Personality and Individual Differences, 139, 331-336. Impact Factor: 1.967

ESCRIBANO, J.; LUQUE, V.; CANALS-SANS, J.; FERRÉ ,N.; KOLETZKO, B.; GROTE ,V.; WEBER, M.; GRUSZFELD, D.; SZOTT; VERDUCI, E.; RIVA, E.; BRASSELLE, G.; PONCELETAND, P.; CLOSA-MONASTEROLO, R. (2019). Mental performance in 8-year-old children fed reduced protein content formula during the 1st year of life: safety analysis of a randomised clinical trial. British Journal of Nutrition, 122(1), S22-S30. Impact Factor: 3

EXPÓSITO-VIZCAINO, S.; BURJALÉS-MARTÍ, D.; MIRÓ, J. (2019). Factores psicosociales en el dolor crónico oncológico: un estudio Delphi. Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor, 26(1), 21-30. Impact Factor: 0.12

FERRANDO, P. J.; LORENZO-SEVA, U. (2019). An External Validity Approach for Assessing Essential Unidimensionality in Correlated-Factor Models. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 79(3), 437-461. Impact Factor: 1.663

FERRANDO, P. J.; LORENZO-SEVA, U.; NAVARRO-GONZÁLEZ, D. (2019). unival: An FA-based R Package For Assessing Essential Unidimensionality Using External Validity Information. The R Journal, 11(1), 427-436. Impact Factor: 2.682

FERRANDO, P. J.; NAVARRO-GONZÁLEZ, D.; LORENZO-SEVA, U. (2019). Assessing the quality and effectiveness of the factor score estimates in psychometric factor-analytic Applications. Methodology, 15(3), 119-127. Impact Factor: 0.9

FERRANDO, P.J. (2019). A comprehensive IRT approach for modelling binary, graded, and continuous responses with errors in persons and items. Applied Psychological Measurement, 43(5), 339-359. Impact Factor: 1.155

FERRANDO, P.J.; LORENZO-SEVA, U. (2019). On the Added Value of Multiple Factor Score Estimates in Essentially Unidimensional Models. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 79(2), 249-271. Impact Factor: 2.051

FERRÉ, P.; COMESAÑA, M.; GUASCH, M. (2019). Emotional content and source memory for language: Impairment in an incidental encoding task. Frontiers in Psychology. On line: doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00065., , -. Impact Factor: 2.089

FERRE-REY, G.; SÁNCHEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, J.; LLORCA-LINARES, M.; VICENS, P.; CAMPS, C.; TORRENTE, M.; MORALES-VIVES, F. (2019). A systematic review of instruments for early detection of autism spectrum disorders. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 19(1), 29-38. Impact Factor: 0.91

FOLCH, A.; MARTÍNEZ-LEAL, R.; VICENS, P.; IRAZABAL, M.; MUÑOZ, S.; SALVADOR-CARULLA, L.; ROVIRA, LL.; OREJUELA, C.; CORTES, M.J. (2019). The POMONA-ESP project methodology: Collecting data on health indicators for people with intellectual developmental disorders. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 32(1), 15-22. Impact Factor: 2.26

FOLCH, A.; SALVADOR-CARULLA, L.; VICENS, P.; CORTES, M. J.; IRAZABAL, M.; MUÑOZ, S.; ROVIRA, LL.; OREJUELA, C.; GONZALEZ, J. A.; MARTÍNEZ-LEAL, R. (2019). Health indicators in Intellectual Developmental Disorders: the key findings of the POMONA-ESP Project. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 32(1), 23-24. Impact Factor: 2.26

GALÁN, S.; ROY, R.; SOLÉ, E.; RACINE, M.; DE LA VEGA, R.; JENSEN, M.P.; MIRÓ, J. (2019). Committed action, disability and perceived health in individuals with fibromyalgia. Behavioral Medicine, 45(1), 62-69. Impact Factor: 2.012

GUARDIA-ESCOTE L.; BASAURE P.; PERIS-SAMPEDRO F.; BIOSCA-BRULL J.; CABRÉ M.; SÁNCHEZ-SANTED F.; DOMINGO JL.; (2019). APOE genetic background and sex confer different vulnerabilities to postnatal chlorpyrifos exposure and modulate the response to cholinergic drugs. Behavioural Brain Research, 376, 112195-. Impact Factor: 2.77

HARO, J.; COMESAÑA, M.; FERRÉ, P. (2019). Is there an orthographic boost for ambiguous words during their processing?. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 48(2), 519-534. Impact Factor: 0.659

HERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍNEZ, C.; VOLTAS MORESO, N.; ARIJA VAL, V.; JARDÍ PIÑANA, C.; BEDMAR CARRETERO, C.; CANALS, J. (2019). The role of maternal emotional states during pregnancy and early infancy on infant cortisol levels: A prospective study. Infant and Child Development, 28(5), E2149-. Impact Factor: 1.215

HUETE-PÉREZ, D.; HARO, J.; HINOJOSA, JA.; FERRÉ, P. (2019). Does it matter if we approach or withdraw when reading? A comparison of fear-related words and anger-related words. Acta Psychologica, 197, 73-85. Impact Factor: 2.031

IGLESIAS, L.; CANALS, J.; ARIJA, V. (2019). Review and meta-analysis found that prenatal folic acid was associated with a 58% reduction in autism but had no effect on mental and motor development. Acta Paediatrica, 108(4), 600-610. Impact Factor: 2.58

IGLESIAS, L.; CANALS, J.; VOLTAS, N.; JARDÍ, C.; HERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍNEZ, C.; BEDMAR, C.; ESCRIBANO, J.; ARANDA, N.; JIMÉNEZ, R.; BARROSO, J.M.; RIBOT, B.; ARIJA, V. (2019). Does the fortified milk with high iron dose improve the neurodevelopment of healthy infants? Randomized controlled trial. BMC Pediatrics, 19(1), 315-. Impact Factor: 1.983

JENSEN, MP.; CASTARLENAS, E.; ROY, R.; TOMÉ PIRES, C.; RACINE, M.; PATHAK, A.; MIRÓ, J. (2019). The Utility and Construct Validity of Four Measures of Pain Intensity: Results From a University-Based Study in Spain. Pain Medicine, 20(12), 2411-2420. Impact Factor: 2.782

LEDESMA, R. D.; FERRANDO, P. J.; TOSI, J. D. (2019). The Use of Exploratory Factor Analysis in RIDEP. Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers. Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnostico y Evaluacion- E Avaliacao Psicologica, 52(3), 173-180. Impact Factor: 0.443

LORENZO-SEVA, U.; CALDERON, C.; FERRANDO, P.J.; MUÑOZ, M.; BEATO, C.; GHANEM,I.; CASTELO, B.; CARMONA-BAYONAS, A.; HERNÁNDEZ, R.; JIMÉNEZ-FONSECA. P. (2019). Psychometric properties and factorial analysis of invariance of the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) in cancer patients. Quality of Life Research, 28(5), 1255-1264. Impact Factor: 2.392

LORENZO-SEVA, U.; FERRANDO, P.J. (2019). A General Approach for Fitting Pure Exploratory Bifactor Models. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 54(1), 15-30. Impact Factor: 3.691

LORENZO-SEVA, U.; FERRANDO, P.J. (2019). Unrestricted factor analysis of multidimensional test items based on an objectively refined target matrix. Behavior Research Methods Doi:.org/10.3758/s13428-019-01209-1, , -. Impact Factor:

MIRÓ, J.; DE LA VEGA, R.; GERTZ KJ.; THONG, ISK.; JENSEN, MP.; ENGEL, JM. (2019). Do Commonly Used Measures of Pain Intensity Only Reflect Pain Intensity in Youths With Bothersome Pain and a Physical Disability?. Frontiers in Pediatrics doi: 0.3389/fped.2019.00229, 7:229, -. Impact Factor: 2.349

MIRÓ, J.; DE LA VEGA, R.; GERTZ, K.; JENSEN, M. P.; ENGEL, J. M. (2019). The role of perceived family social support and parental solicitous responses in adjustment to bothersome pain in young people with disabilities. Disability & Rehabilitation, 41(6), 641-648. Impact Factor: 2.042

MORALES-VIVES, F.; COSI, S.; LORENZO-SEVA, U.; VIGIL-COLET, A. (2019). The INventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits and Antisocial Behavior (INCA) for Young People: Development and Validation in a Community Sample. Frontiers In Psychology - On-line: doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00713, , -. Impact Factor: 2.089

MORALES-VIVES, F.; DUEÑAS, J.M.; COSI, S.; LORENZO-SEVA, U. (2019). Suicidal ideation in adolescents assessed with the three-mode component approach. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 19(3), 311-322. Impact Factor: 0.91

NAVARRO-GONZÁLEZ, D.; VIGIL-COLET, A.; FERRANDO, P. J.; LORENZO-SEVA, U. (2019). Psychological Test Toolbox: A new tool to compute factor analysis controlling response bias. Journal of Statistical Software, 91 (6), -. Impact Factor: 11.655

ROIGÉ-CASTELLVÍ, J.; MURPHY, M.; FERNÁNDEZ-BALLART, J.; CANALS, J. (2019). Moderately elevated preconception homocysteine is a risk factor for psychological problems in childhood. Public Health Nutrition, 22(9), 1615-1623. Impact Factor: 2.485

ROY, R.; SÁNCHEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, E.; GALÁN, S.; RACINE, M.; CASTARLENAS, E.; JENSEN, M. P.; MIRÓ, J. (2019). Factors associated with migraine in the general population of Spain: results from the European Health Survey 2014. Pain Medicine, 20(3), 555-563. Impact Factor: 2.782

SÁNCHEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, E.; DE LA VEGA, R.; RACINE, M.; ROY, R.; JENSEN, M.; MIRÓ, J. (2019). Support for the Spanish version of the CPAQ-8 as a measure of chronic pain acceptance.. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 25(5), 881-888. Impact Factor: 1536

SÁNCHEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, E.; SOLÉ, E.; TOMÉ-PIRES, C.; GALÁN, S.; RACINE, M.; JENSEN, M.; MIRÓ, J. (2019). Are attitudes about pain related with the coping strategies that adolescents use?. Scandinavian Journal of Pain, 19(3), 513-522. Impact Factor: 0.85

SCHREIBER, E.; ALFAGEME, O.; GARCIA, T.; GONZÁLEZ, N.; SIRVENT, J.J.; TORRENTE, M.; GÓMEZ, M.; DOMINGO J.L. (2019). Oral exposure of rats to dienestrol during gestation and lactation: Effects on the reproductive system of male offspring. Food and Chemical Toxicolology, 128, 193-201. Impact Factor: 2.02

SCHREIBER, E.; GARCIA, T.; SHARMA, RP.; TORRENTE, M.; DOMINGO, JL.; GÓMEZ M. (2019). Oxidative stress in testes of rats exposed to n-butylparaben. Food and Chemical Toxicolology, 131, 110573-. Impact Factor: 2.02

SERRANO-FERNÁNDEZ M., BOADA-GRAU J., ROBERT-SENTÍS L., VIGIL-COLET A. (2019). Predictive variables for musculoskeletal problems in professional drivers. Journal of Transport & Health, 14, 100576-. Impact Factor: 2.583

SERRANO-FERNÁNDEZ, M. J.; BOADA-GRAU, J.; GIL-RIPOLL, C.; VIGIL-COLET, A. (2019). A predictive study of antecedent variables of Passion towards Work. Anales de Psicología, 35(3), 490-495. Impact Factor: 0.9

SERRANO-FERNÁNDEZ, M.; BOADA-GRAU, J.; ASSENS-SERRA, J.; BOADA-CUERVA, M.; VIGIL-COLET, A. (2019). Influence of personality variables, impulsivity, perfectionism, self-esteem and self-efficacy in work craving. Anales De Psicologia, 35(3), 506-513. Impact Factor: 0.9

SOLÉ, E.; CASTARLENAS, E.; SÁNCHEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, E.; GALÁN, S.; DE LA VEGA, R.; JENSEN, M. P.; MIRÓ, J. (2019). The reliability and validity of the Spanish version of the Fear of Pain Questionnaire. Journal of Health Psychology, 24(8), 1134-1144. Impact Factor: 2.256

SOLÉ, E.; GALÁN, S.; DE LA VEGA, R.; CASTARLENAS, E.; SÁNCHEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, E.; JENSEN, M.; MIRÓ, J. (2019). Psychometric properties of the Functional Disability Inventory for assessing pain-related disability in children from the community. Disability and Rehabilitation, 41(20), 2451-2458. Impact Factor: 2.054

TOMAS-ROIG, J.; TORRENTE, M.; CABRÉ, M.; VILELLA, E.; COLOMINA, MT. (2019). Long lasting behavioural effects on cuprizone fed mice after neurotoxicant withdrawal. Behavioural Brain Research, 363, 38-44. Impact Factor: 3.173

VILLALOBOS, M.; TOUS, M.; CANALS, J.; ARIJA, V. (2019). Vitamin D during pregnancy and neurodevelopment of the child: systematic review. Anales de Psicología, 35(3), 389-396. Impact Factor: 0.49


ANGUIANO, C.; VIGIL, A.; FERRANDO, P. J. (2013). Controlling social desirability may attenuate faking effects: A study with aggression measures. Psicothema, 25, 164-170. Impact Factor: 0.961

APARICIO, E.; CANALS, J.; VOLTAS, N.; HERNANDEZ-MARTINEZ, C.; ARIJA, V. (2013). Emotional psychopathology and increased adiposity: Follow-up study in adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 36 (2), 319-330. Impact Factor: 1.882

BLANCO, J.; MULERO, M.; HEREDIA, L.; PUJOL, A.; DOMINGO, JL.; SANCHEZ, D. J. (2013). Perinatal exposure to BDE-99 causes learning disorders and decreases serum thyroid hormone levels and BDNF gene expression in hippocampus in rat offspring. Toxicology, 308, 122-128. Impact Factor:

BOADA, J.; PRIZMIC-KUZMICA, AJ.; GONZALEZ-RECIO, S.; VIGIL-COLET, A. (2013). Job Stressors in Bus drivers (Elbus-21): Factor Structure, Reliability and Validity. Universitats Psychologica, 12-1, 249-259. Impact Factor: 0.54

BOADA, R.; SANCHEZ-CASAS, R.; GAVILAN, J.M.; GARCIA-ALBEA, J.E.; TOCOWICZ, N. (2013). Effect of multiple translations and cognate status on translation recognition performance of balanced bilinguals. BILINGUALISM-LANGUAGE AND COGNITION, 16 (1), 183-197. Impact Factor: 2.229

BOADA-GRAU, J., PASTOR-MALLOL, E., GIL-RIPOLL, C., VIGIL-COLET, A. Y AGULLó-TOMáS, E. (2013). Escalas Breves sobre Mobbing (MOBB-10 y CONSE-10): Estructuras factoriales y primera aproximación al estudio de su fiabilidad y validez.. Revista Interamericana de Psicología Ocupacional, 32, 53-73. Impact Factor:

BOADA-GRAU, J.; PRIZMIC-KUZMICA, A-J.; GONZALEZ-FERNANDEZ, M.D.; VIGIL-COLET, A. (2013). Spanish version of Bus Drivers' Job Demands Scale (BDJD-24). Psicothema, , 258-265. Impact Factor: 0.96

BOADA-GRAU, J.; PRIZMIC-KUZMICA, AJ.; SERRANO-FERNANDEZ, M.J.; VIGIL-COLET, A. (2013). Factorial structure, reliability and validity of the workaholism scale (WorkBAT): Spanish Version. ANALES DE PSICOLOGIA, 29(3), 923-933. Impact Factor: 0.552

BOADA-GRAU, J.; ROBERT-SENTIS, L.; GIL-RIPOLL, C.; VIGIL-COLET, A (2013). Development, internal consistency, reliability and validity of a scale of occupational hazards in Sapnish. Anales de Psicologia, 29(1), 217-224. Impact Factor: 0.568

BURNS, G. L.; WALSH, J. A.; SEVERA, M.; LORENZO-SEVA, U.; CARDO, E.; RODRIGUEZ-FORNELLS, A. (2013). Construct Validity of ADHD/ODD Rating Scales:Recommendations for the Evaluation of Forthcoming DSM-V ADHD/ODD Scales. Journal of Abnormal child Psychology, 41(1), 15-26. Impact Factor: 3.005

CASTARLENAS, E.; MIRO, J.; SANCHEZ-RODRIGUEZ, E, (2013). Is the Verbal Numerical Rating Scale a Valid Tool for Assessing Pain Intensity in Children Below 8 Years of Age ?. Journal of Pain, 14(3), 297-307. Impact Factor: 3.204

DE LA VEGA, R.; MIRO, J. (2013). The assessment of sleep in pediatric chronic pain sufferers. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 17(3), 185-192. Impact Factor: 8.681

FERRANDO, P. J. (2013). A general linear framework for modeling continuous responses with error in persons and items. METHODOLOGY-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH METHODS FOR THE BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 9 (4), 150-161. Impact Factor: 0.935

FERRANDO, P. J.; ANGUIANO, C.; DEMESTRE, J. (2013). Combining IRT and SEM: A hybrid model for fitting responses and response certainties. Structural Equation Modeling, 20, 208-225. Impact Factor: 4.242

FERRANDO, P. J.; FERRANDO, F.; PALEO, P.; DE LA FLOR, S.; GUTIERREZ-COLON, M. (2013). Distortions and gender-related differences in the perception of mechanical engineering in high school students. PSICOTHEMA, 25, 494-499. Impact Factor:

FERRANDO, P. J.; PALLERO, R.; ANGUIANO, C. (2013). Measuring anxiety in visually-impaired people: A comparison between the linear the and nonlinear IRT approaches. Psicologica, 34, 329-352. Impact Factor: 0.709

FERRANDO, PJ.; ANGUIANO-CARRASCO, C. (2013). A Structural Model-Based Optimal Person-Fit Procedure for Identifying Faking. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 73 (2), 173-190. Impact Factor: 1.07

FERRE, P.; SANCHEZ-CASAS, R.; FRAGA, I (2013). Memory for emotional words in the first and the second language: Effects of the encoding task. Bilingualism-Language and Cognition, 16(3), 495-507. Impact Factor: 2.229

GARCIA-ALBEA, J.; BAJO, T.; KROLL, J.; DUSSIAS, G.; VAN HELL, J. (2013). Rosa Sánchez-Casas: A very deep trace, an unmeasurable loss Obituary. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 25 (1), 3-6. Impact Factor: 0.756

GAVILAN, J.M.; GARCIA-ALBEA, J.E.; (2013). Theory of mind and language comprehension in schizophrenia. PSICOTHEMA, 25 (4), 440-445. Impact Factor: 0.961

GUASCH, M.; BOADA, R., FERRE, P.; SANCHEZ-CASAS, R. (2013). NIM: A Web-based Swiss Army knife to select stimuli for psycholinguistic studies. Behavior Research Methods, 45, 765-771. Impact Factor:

HEREDIA, L.; TORRENTE, M.; COLOMINA, M. T.; DOMINGO, J. L. (2013). Assessing anxiety in C57BL/6J mice: A pharmacological characterization of zero maze test.. Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods, 68 (2), 275-283. Impact Factor: 2.15

JUPP, B.; CAPRIOLI, D.; SAIGAL, N.; REVERTE, I.; SHRESTHA, S.; CUMMING, P,; EVERITT, BJ.; ROBBINS, TW.;, DALLEY, JW, (2013). Dopaminergic and GABA-ergic markers of impulsivity in rats: evidence for anatomical localisation in ventral striatum and prefrontal cortex.. European Journal of Neuroscience, 37 (9), 1519-1528. Impact Factor:

LORENZO-SEVA, U.; FERRANDO, P. J. (2013). FACTOR 9.2: A Comprehensive Program for Fitting Exploratory and Semiconfirmatory Factor Analysis and IRT Model. Applied Psychological Measurement, 37-6, 497-498. Impact Factor: 1.079

MAS-HERRERO, E.; MARCO-PALLARES, J.; LORENZO-SEVA, U.; ZATORRE, R. J.; RODRIGUEZ-FORNELLS, A. (2013). Individual differences in music reward experiences. MUSIC PERCEPTION, 31 (2), 118-138. Impact Factor:

MORALES-VIVES, F.; CAMPS, E.; LORENZO-SEVA, U. (2013). Development and Validation of the Psychological Maturity Assessment Scale (PSYMAS). European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 29 (1), 12-18. Impact Factor: 2.056

MORALES-VIVES, F.; CAMPS, F.; LORENZO-SEVA, U. (2013). To what extent do student teachers have the values required for the profession?. RESEARCH PAPERS IN EDUCATION, 28(5), 595-608. Impact Factor: 0.646

MORALES. P; DOMÈNECH-LLABERIA, E.; JANÉ, M.C.; CANALS, J. (2013). Trastornos Leves Del Espectro Autista En Educación Infantil: Prevalencia, Sintomatología Co-Ocurrente y Desarrollo Psicosocial. Revista de Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica, 18 (3), 217-231. Impact Factor:

NIETO, R.; MIRO, J.; HUGUET, A. (2013). Pain-related fear of movement and catastrophizing in whiplash associated disorders. Rehabilitation Psychology, 58(4), 361-368. Impact Factor:

REVERTE, I.; KLEIN B.A.; DOMINGO, J.L.; COLOMINA, M.T. (2013). Long term effects of murine postnatal exposure to decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) on learning and memory are dependent upon APOE polymorphism and age,. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 40, 17-27. Impact Factor:

ROMERO-ACOSTA, K.; CANALS, J.; HERNANDEZ-MARTINEZ, C.; PENELO, E.; ZOLOG, TC.; DOMENECH-LLABERIA, E. (2013). Age and gender differences of somatic symptoms in children and adolescents. Journal of Mental Health, 22(1), 33-41. Impact Factor:

ROSARIO, P.; NUÑEZ, J. C.; FERRANDO, P. J.; PAIVA, M. O.; LOURENÇO, A.; CEREZO, R.; VALLE, A. (2013). The relationship between approaches to teaching and approaches to studying: a two-level structural equation model for biology achievement in high school. Metacognition and Learning, 4, 47-77. Impact Factor: 1.516

VICENS, P.; RIBES, D.; HEREDIA, L.; TORRENTE, M.; DOMINGO, J. L. (2013). Motor and Anxiety Effects of PNU-282987, an alpha7 Nicotinic Receptor Agonist and Stress in an Animal Model of Alzheimer's Disease. Current Alzheimer's research, 10 (5), 516-523. Impact Factor: 3.676

VIGIL-COLET, A.; MORALES-VIVES, F.; CAMPS, E.; TOUS, J.; LORENZO-SEVA, U. (2013). Development and validation of the Overall Personality Assessment Scale (OPERAS). Psicothema, 25(1), 100-106. Impact Factor: 1.016

VIGIL-COLET, A.; MORALES-VIVES, F.; LORENZO-SEVA, U. (2013). How social desirability and acquiescence affect the age-personality relationship.. Psicothema, 25(3), 342-348. Impact Factor: 0.961

VOLTAS, N.; HERNANDEZ-MARTINEZ, C.; ARIJA, V.; CANALS, J. (2013). Socio-demographic and psychopathological risk factors in obsessive compulsive disorders: Epidemiologic study of school populations. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 13, 123-128. Impact Factor: 2.102


BOADA-GRAU, J.; SANCHEZ-GARCIA, JC.; PRIZMIC-KUZMICA, AJ.; VIGIL-COLET, A (2012). Health and Safety at Work in the Transport Industry (TRANS-18): Factorial Structure, Reliability and Validity. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 15 (1), 357-366. Impact Factor: 0.74

CANALS, J,; HERNANDEZ-MARTINEZ, C.; COSI MUÑOZ, S,; GARCIA, LL, TRALLERO, J. T. (2012). The Leyton Obsessional Inventory-Child Version: Validity and reliability in Spanish non-clinical population. International Journal of clinical and health, 12(1), 81-96. Impact Factor: 2.787

CANALS, J.; HERNANDEZ-MARTINEZ, C.; COSI, S.; DOMENECH, E. (2012). Examination of a cutoff score for the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) in a non-clinical Spanish population. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 26(2012), 785-791. Impact Factor: 2.965

CANALS, J.; HERNANDEZ-MARTINEZ, C.; COSI, S.; VOLTAS, N. (2012). The epidemiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder in Spanish school children. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 26(2012), 746-452. Impact Factor: 2.965

CARTER, GREGORY T.; MIRO, J.; ABRESCH, R.TED; EL-ABASSI, R.; JENSEN, MP (2012). Disease Burden in Neuromuscular Disease: The Role of Chronic Pain. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America, 23 (3), 719-+. Impact Factor: 1.4

DEMESTRE, J. (2012). Deleting the object marker renders the sentence ungrammatical: Comment on Casado, Martin -Loeches, Muñoz, and Fernandez-Frias (2005). Languange and Congnitive Processes, 27 (5), 682-692. Impact Factor: 1.538

FERRANDO, P. J.; ANGUIANO, C. (2012). An structural model-based optimal person fit procedure for identifying faking.. Educational and Psychological measurament, 73, 1-18. Impact Factor: 1.158

FERRANDO, PERE JOAN (2012). Assessing inconsistent responding in E and N measures: An application of person-fit analysis in personality. Personality and Individual Diferences, 52 (6), 718-722. Impact Factor: 1.877

FERRE, P.; GUASCH, M.; MOLDOVAN, C.; SÁNCHEZ-CASAS, R. (2012). Affective norms for 380 Spanish words belonging to three different semantic categories. Behavior Reserarch Methods, 44 (2), 395-403. Impact Factor: 2.116

HEREDIA, L.; TORRENTE, M.; COLOMINA, MT.; DOMINGO, JL (2012). Behavioral effects of oral subacute exposure to BDE-209 in adult mice: a preliminary study.. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 50, 707-712. Impact Factor: 2.999

HEREDIA, L.; TORRENTE, M.; DOMINGO, J. L.; COLOMINA, M. T. (2012). Individual housing and handling procedures modify anxiety levels of Tg2576 mice assessed in the zero maze test.. Physiology & Behavior, 107, 187-191. Impact Factor: 2.869

HERNANDEZ-MARTINEZ, C; ARIJA, V.; ESCRIBANO, J.; CANALS, J. (2012). A longitudinal study on the effects of maternal smoking and secondhand smoke exposure during pregnancy on neonatal neurobehavior.. Early Human Development, 88, 403-408. Impact Factor: 2.046

LORENZO-SEVA, U.; FERRANDO, P. J. (2012). A procedure for isolating social desirability variance in a three-way component analysis. British Jorunal of Mathematical & Statistical, 65 (1), 74-88. Impact Factor: 1.314

LORENZO-SEVA, U.; FERRANDO, P. J. (2012). TETRA-COM: a comprehensive SPSS program for estimating the thetrachoric correlation.. Behavioral Research Methods, 44 (4), 1191-1196. Impact Factor: 2.116

MIRO, J.; GERTZ, K.J.; CARTER, G.C.; JENSEN, M.P. (2012). Chronic pain in neuromuscular disease: pain site and intensity differentially impacts function. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America, 23(4), 895-902. Impact Factor: 1.4

MIRO, J.; SANCHEZ-RODRIGUEZ, E.; CASTARLENAS, E. (2012). Reported lack of agreement between self-report pain scores in children may be due to a too strict criterion for agreement Response. Pain, 153 (10), 2153-2153. Impact Factor: 5.777

MOLDOVAN, C.D.; SANCHEZ-CASAS, R.; DEMESTRE, J.; FERRE, P. (2012). Interference effects as a funtcion of semantic similarity in the translation recognition task in bilinguals of Catalan and Spanish,. Psicologica, 33, 77-110. Impact Factor: 0.296

MORALES-VIVES, F.; VIGIL-COLET, A (2012). Are old people so gentle? Functional and dysfunctional impulsivity in the elderly. International Psychogeriatrics, 24 (3), 465-471. Impact Factor: 2.24

NIETO, R.; RAICHLE, K.A.; JENSEN, M.P.; MIRO, J (2012). Changes in Pain-related beliefs, coping, and catastrophizing predict changes in pain intensity, pain interference, and psychological funtioning in individuals with myotonic muscular dystrophy and facioscapulohumeral dystrophy.. Clinical Journal of Pain, 28(1), 47-54. Impact Factor: 2.813

REVERTE, I.; KLEIN, A. B.; RATNER, C.; DOMINGO, J. L.; COLOMINA, M.T. (2012). Behavioral phenotype and BDNF differences related to apoE isoforms and sex in young transgenic mice. Experimental Neurology, 237 (1), 116-125. Impact Factor: 4.416

RIBES, D.; TORRENTE, M.; PALOMA, V.; COLOMINA, MT.; GOMEZ, M.; DOMINGO, JL (2012). Recognition Memory and beta-amyloid Plaques in Adult Tg2576 Mice are not Modified After Oral Exposure to Aluminium. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders, 26 (2), 179-185. Impact Factor: 2.811

RIBOT, B.; ARANDA, N.; VITERI, F.; HERNANDEZ-MARTINEZ, C.; CANALS, J.; ARIJA, V. (2012). Depleted iron stores without anaemia early in pregnancy carries increased risk of lower birthweight even when supplemented daily with moderate iron.. Human Reproduction, 27 (5), 1260-1266. Impact Factor: 4.475

SANCHEZ-CASAS, R.; FERRE, P.; DEMESTRE, J.; GARCIA-CHICO, T.; GARCIA-ALBEA, J.E. (2012). The influence of semantic relatedness and associative strength in the pattern of masked and unmasked priming effects in the lexical decision task.. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 15, 891-900. Impact Factor: 0.74

SANCHEZ-RODRIGUEZ, E.; MIRO, J.; CASTARLENAS, E. (2012). A comparison of four self-report scales of pain intensity in 6-to-8-year-old children. Pain, 153 (8), 1715-1719. Impact Factor: 5.777

TOME-PIRES, C.; MIRO, J. (2012). Hypnosis for themanagement of chronic and cancer procedure-related pain in children. International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis, 60 (4), 432-457. Impact Factor: 1.85

VIGIL-COLET, A.; RUIZ-PAMIES, M.; ANGUIANO-CARRASCO, A.; LORENZO-SEVA, URBANO (2012). The impact of social desirability on psychometric measures of aggression. Psicothema, 24 (2), 310-315. Impact Factor: 1.16


ACOSTA, KR.; CANALS, J.; HERNANDEZ-MARTINEZ, C.; BALLADRIGA, MCJ.; VIÑAS, F.; DOMENECH-LLABERIA, E.; (2010). Comorbidity between SCARED anxiety factors and depressive symptomatology in 8-to 12-year-old children. Psicothema, 22 (4), 613-618. Impact Factor:

ARIJA, V.; FERRER-BARCALA, M.; ARANDA, N.; CANALS, J. (2010). BDNF Val66Met polymorphism, energy intake and BMI: a follow-up study in schoolchildren at risk of eating disorders. BMC Public Health, 10 (1), 363-374. Impact Factor: 1.201

CARTER, GT.; WEISS, MD.; CHAMBERLAIN, J. R.; HAN, JJ.; ABRESCH, R. T.; MIRO, J.; JENSEN, M. P. (2010). Aging with Muscular Dystrophy: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America, 21(2), 429-+. Impact Factor: 1.4

CHAHIN, N.; COSI, S.; LORENZO-SEVA, U.; VIGIL-COLET, A. (2010). Stability of the factor structure of Barrat's Impulsivity Scales for children across cultures: A comparison of Spain and Colombia. Psicothema, 22 (4), 983-989. Impact Factor:

COSI, S.; CANALS, J.; HERNANDEZ-MARTINEZ, C.; VIGIL-COLET, A. (2010). Parent-child agreement in SCARED and its relationship to anxiety symptoms. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 24 (1), 129-133. Impact Factor: 2.965

DAVIS, C.; SANCHEZ-CASAS, R.; GARCIA-ALBEA, JE.; GUASCH, M.; MOLERO, M.; FERRE, P (2010). Masked translation priming: Varying language experience and word type with Spanish-English bilinguals. BILINGUALISM-LANGUAGE AND COGNITION, 13 (2), 137-155. Impact Factor: 1.691

FERRANDO, P. J.; PALLERO, R.; ANGUIANO, C.; MONTORIO, I. (2010). Evaluación de la sintomatología depresiva en población mayor con pérdida visual: Un estudio de la escala de depresión geriátrica.. Psicothema, 22, 587-592. Impact Factor: 1.016

FERRANDO, P. J. (2010). Assessing short-term individual consistency using IRT-based statistics. Psicologica, 31 (2), 319-334. Impact Factor: 0.581

FERRANDO, P. J. (2010). Some Statistics for Assessing Person-Fit Based on Continuous-Response Models. Applied Psychological Measurement, 34 (4), 219-237. Impact Factor: 1.137

FERRANDO, P. J.; LORENZO-SEVA, U. (2010). Acquiescence as a source of bias and model and person misfit: A theoretical and empirical analysis. British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology, 63 (2), 427-448. Impact Factor: 1.419

FERRANDO, P. J.; MORALES, F. (2010). Procedimientos gráficos para evaluar la consistenica intra-individual en el análisis factorial de ítems. Psicothema, 22, 348-354. Impact Factor: 0.939

FERRANDO, PJ.; ANGUIANO-CARRASCO, C. (2010). Acquiescence and social desirability as item response determinants: An IRT-based study with the Marlowe-Crowne and the EPQ Lie scales. Personality and Individual differences, 48 (5), 596-600. Impact Factor: 1.82

FERRE, P.; GARCIA, T.; FRAGA, I.; SANCHEZ-CASAS, R.; MOLERO, M (2010). Memory for emotional words in bilinguals: Do words have the same emotional intensity in the first and in the second language?. Cognition & Emotion, 24 (5), 760-785. Impact Factor:

GAVILAN, J.M; GARCIA-ALBEA, J.E. (2010). Theroy of mind and language comprehension in schizophrenia: poor mindreading affects figurative language comprehension beyond intelligence deficits. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 24 (1), 54-69. Impact Factor:

HERNANDEZ-MARTINEZ, C.; ARIJA, V.; ESCRIBANO, J.; CANALS, J. (2010). Does maternal anxiety affect neonatal behaviour differently in boys and grils ?. Early human development, 86 (4), 209-211. Impact Factor: 1.587

LORENZO, U.; FERRANDO, P. J.; CHICO, E. (2010). Two SPSS programs for interpreting multiple regression results. Behavioral Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, 42, 29-35. Impact Factor: 2.403

LORENZO-SEVA, U.; MORALES-VIVES, F.; VIGIL-COLET, A. (2010). Aggressive Responses to Troubled Situations in a Sample of Adolescents: A Three-Mode Approach. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 13 (1), 178-189. Impact Factor: 0.704

MORALES-VIVES, F.; VIGIL-COLET, A. (2010). Are there sex differences in physical aggression in the elderly ?. Personality and individual differences, 49 (6), 659-662. Impact Factor: 1.82

RIBES, D.; COLOMINA MT.; VICENS, P.; DOMINGO, J. L. (2010). Impaired Spatial Learning and Unaltered Neurogenesis in a Transgenic Model of Alzheimer's Disease After Oral Aluminium Exposure. Current Alzheimer Research, 7 (5), 401-408. Impact Factor: 3.581

RIBES, D.; FUENTES, S.; TORRENTE, M.; COLOMINA, M.T.; DOMINGO, J.L. (2010). Combined effects of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and maternal restraint stress on hypothalamus adrenal axis (HPA) function in the offspring of mice. Toxicology and applied pharmacology, 243 (1), 13-18. Impact Factor: 3.993

ROMERO, K.; CANALS, J.; HERNANDEZ-MARTINEZ, C.; JANE, M.C.; FERRAN, V.; DOMENECH, E. (2010). Comorbilidad entre los factores de ansiedad del SCARED y la sintomatologia depresiva en niños de 8-12 años. Psicothema, 22 (4), 613-618. Impact Factor: 0.939

SEVERA, M.; LORENZO-SEVA, U.; CARDO, E.; RODRIGUEZ-FORNELLS, A.; BURNS, G. L.; (2010). Understanding Trait and Sources Effects in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder Rating Scales: Mothers', Fathers', and Teachers' Ratings of Children From the Balearic Islands. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 39 (1), 1-11. Impact Factor: 3.44


BABIO, N., CANALS, J., PIETROBELLI, A., ET AL. (2009). A two-phase population study: relationships between overweight, body composition and risk of eating disorders. Nutrición Hospitalaria, 24, 485-491. Impact Factor:

BOADA J., GIL C. (2009). Gestión Estratégica de Recursos Humanos como antecedente del Balanced Scorecard. Revista del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 25, 123-134. Impact Factor:

BOADA, J., GONZALEZ, S., VIGIL-COLET A, ET AL. (2009). CONS-32: Factor structure and psychometric properties. Psicothema, 21, 165-169. Impact Factor:

BOADA, J., DE DIEGO, R., E. DE LLANOS. (2009). El clima de equipo como antecedente del burnout y de las manifestaciones psicosomáticas.. Ansiedad y Estrés, 15(2-3), 279-289. Impact Factor:

BONAVIA, T., MOLINA, J.G., BOADA, J. (2009). Further Examination of the Organizational Culture Scale focused on Artifacts. Psychological Reports, 105, 827-834. Impact Factor:

CANALS, J., SANCHO, C., ARIJA, M.V. (2009). Influence of parent's eating attitudes on eating disorders in school adolescents. European Child & Adolescent Psichyatry, 18, 353-359. Impact Factor:

COSI, S., VIGIL-COLET, A., CANALS, J. (2009). Development of the proactive/reactive questionnaire for teachers: factor structure and psychometric properties. Psicothema, 21, 159-164. Impact Factor:

COSI.A; CANALS, J; HERNANDEZ-MARTINEZ, C; VIGIL-COLET, A (2009). Parent-child agreement in SCARED and its relationship to anxiety symptoms.. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 24, 129-133. Impact Factor:

DE DIEGO, R.; BOADA, J. (2009). Mediació laboral: desenvolupament, perspectiva i impacte. Anuari de Psicologia, 12 (2), 23-39. Impact Factor:

DOMENECH-LLABERIA, E., VINAS, F., PLA, E., JANE, M.C., MITJAVILA, M., CORBELLA, T., CANALS, J. (2009). Prevalence of major depression in preschool children. European Child & Adolescent psychiatry, 18, 597-604. Impact Factor:

FERRANDO PJ, ANGUIANO-CARRASCO C. (2009). The interpretation of the EPQ Lie scale scores under honest and faking instructions: A multiple-group IRT-based analysis. Personality and Individual Differences, 46, 552-556. Impact Factor:

FERRANDO, P. J. (2009). Difficulty, Discrimination, and Information Indices in the Linear Factor Analysis Model for Continuous Item Responses. Applied Psychological Measurement, 33, 9-24. Impact Factor:

FERRANDO, P. J. (2009). Multidimensional Factor-Analysis-Based Procedures for Assessing Scalability in Personality Measurement. Structural Equation Modelling, 16, 109-133. Impact Factor:

FERRANDO, P. J. (2009). A graded reponse model for measuring person reliability. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 62, 641-662. Impact Factor:

FERRANDO, P. J., , LORENZO-SEVA, U, PALLERO, R. (2009). Implementing graphical and analytical procedures for developing parallel tests. Psicothema, 21, 321-325. Impact Factor:

FERRANDO, P. J., ANGUIANO-CARRASCO, C. (2009). Assessing the Impact of Faking on Binary Personality Measures: An IRT-Based Multiple-Group Factor Analytic Procedure. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 44, 497-524. Impact Factor:

FERRANDO, P. J., LORENZO-SEVA, U., CHICO, E. (2009). A General Factor-Analytic Procedure for Assessing Response Bias in Questionnaire Measures. Structural Equation Modelling, 16, 364-381. Impact Factor:

GARCIA T., RIBES D., COLOMINA M.T., CABRE M., DOMINGO J.L., GOMEZ M. (2009). Evaluation of the protective role of melatonin on the behavioral effects of aluminium in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Toxicology, 265(1-2), 49-55. Impact Factor:

HUGUET, A.; MIRO, J.; NIETO. R (2009). The factor structure and factorial invariance of the Pain Coping Questionnaire across age: evidence from community-based samples of children and adults. European Journal of Pain, 13, 879-889. Impact Factor:

HUGUET, A; ECCLESTON, C.; MIRO, J.; GAUNTLETT-GILBERT, J. (2009). Young people making sense of pain: cognitive appraisal, function, and pain in 8-16 years old children.. European Journal of Pain, 13, 751-759. Impact Factor:

LORENZO-SEVA, U., FERRANDO, P. J. (2009). Acquiescent responding in partially balanced multidimensional scales. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 62, 319-326. Impact Factor:

LORENZO-SEVA, U., VAN DE VELDEN, M., KIERS, H.A.L. (2009). CAR: A MATLAB Package to Compute Correspondence Analysis with Rotations. Journal of Statistical Software, 31, 1-14. Impact Factor:

LORENZO-SEVA, U.; VAND DE VELDEN, M.; KIERS, H.A.L (2009). Oblique rotation in correspondence analysis: a step forward in the search of the simplest interpretation. British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology, 62, 583-600. Impact Factor:

MIRO, J. (2009). El dolor cronico en los niños: Un problema muy extendido, relativamente poco investigado, y a menudo infratratado,. Cuadernos de Medicina Psicosomática, 89/90, 9-12. Impact Factor:

MIRO, J.; CASTARLENAS, E.; HUGUET A. (2009). Evidence for the use of a Numerical Rating Scale to assess the intensity of pediatric pain. European Journal of Pain, 13, 1089-1095. Impact Factor:

MIRO, J.; RAICHLE, K. A.; CARTER, G. T.; O'BRIEN, S.A.; ABRESCH, R.T.; MCDONALD, C.M.; JENSEN. M. P. (2009). Impact of Biopsychosocial Factors on Chronic Pain in Persons With Myotonic and Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy. American Journal of Hospice & Hospice & Palliative Medicine, 26, 308-319. Impact Factor:

NIETO, R.; MIRO, J.; HUGUET, A. (2009). The fear-avoidance model in whiplash injuries. European Journal of Pain, 13, 518-523. Impact Factor:

SERVERA, M.; LORENZO-SEVA, U.; CARDO, E.; RODRÍGUEZ-FORNELLS, A; BURNS, G.L. (2009). Understanding Trait and Sources Effects in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder Rating Scale: Mothers', Fathers' and Teahers' Ratings of Children from the Balearic Islands. Journal of Child and Adolescents Psycholoty, 39, 1-11. Impact Factor:

TOUS, J. (2009). Conducta humana en el trabajo: el líder. Indicador de economía, 105, 42-43. Impact Factor:

TOUS, J. (2009). La síndrome del cremat al treball.. Revista de psicologia del COPC, , 21-24. Impact Factor:

TOUS, J.; MAYOR, C.; TENDERO, LL. P.; (2009). Estudio descriptivo del comportamiento absentista en el sector hotelero a partir de las características del puesto y las diferencias individuales. Revista de economía, sociedad, turismo y medio ambiente, 8, 23-40. Impact Factor:

VARGAS, J.D.; VILLARES, L. (2009). Orientació dedicada de la tutoria a l'etapa d'educació primària des de l'assessorament de l'orientació educativa. Àmbits de Psicopedagogia, 27, 26-30. Impact Factor:

VIGIL-COLET A, CANALS J, COSI S, LORENZO, U., FERRANDO, P. J., HERNANDEZ, C., JANE, C., VIñAS, F., DOMENECH, E. (2009). The factorial structure of the 41-item version of the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) in a Spanish population of 8 to 12 years-old. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 9, 313-327. Impact Factor:


ARIJA, M.V., ESPARO, G., FERNANDEZ, J., MURPHY, M., BIARNÉS, CANALS, J. (2006). Nutritional status and performance in test of verbal and non-verbal intelligence in 6 year-old children. Intelligence, 34, 141-149. Impact Factor:

CANALS, C., ESPARÓ, G., FERNANDEZ, J.D. (2006). Neonatal behaviour characteristics and psychological problems at 6 years. Acta Paediatrica, 95, 1412-1417. Impact Factor:

CARRASCO, C., VICENS P., REDOLAT, R. (2006). Neuroprotective effects of behavioral training and nicotine on age-related deficits in spatial learning. Behavioral Pharmacol, 17, 441-452. Impact Factor:

CARRASCO, C., VICENS, P., VIDAL, J., REDOLAT, R. (2006). Effects of co-administration of Bupropion and nicotinic agonistson the elevated plus-maze in mice. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 30, 455-462. Impact Factor: 2.15

CHICO LIBRÁN, E. (2006). Personality Dimensions and Subjetive Well-being. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 9(1), 38-44. Impact Factor:

CHICO-LIBRÁN, E. Y LORENZO-SEVA, U. (2006). Belief in astrology inventory: Development and validation. Psychological Reports, 99, 851-863. Impact Factor:

CONDÓN, L., FERRANDO, P. J. Y DEMESTRE, J. (2006). A note on some item characteristics related to acquiescent responding. Personality and Individual Differences, 40, 403-407. Impact Factor:

CONDÓN, L., MORALES, F., FERRANDO, P. J. Y VIGIL, A. (2006). Sex differences in the full and reduced versions of the agression questionnaire: A question of differential item functioning. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 22(2), 92-97. Impact Factor:

FERRANDO, P. J. (2006). Person-item distance and response time: An empirical study in personality measurement. Psicológica, 27, 137-148. Impact Factor:

FERRANDO, P. J. (2006). Two Item response theory models for analysing normative forced-choice personality items. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 59, 379-395. Impact Factor:

FERRANDO, P. J. (2006). Implications of person fluctuation for the stability and validity of test scores. Methodology, 2(4), 142-148. Impact Factor:

FERRANDO, P. J. Y CONDÓN, L. (2006). Assessing aquiescence in binary responses: IRT-related item-factor-analytic procedures. Structural Equation Modeling, 13, 96-115. Impact Factor:

FERRÉ, P. (2006). Memories of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001: A study of the consistency and phenomenal characteristics of flashbulb memories. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 9(1), 52-60. Impact Factor: 2.127

FERRÉ, P.; SÁNCHEZ-CASAS, R.M.; GUASCH, M. (2006). Can a horse be a donkey? Semantic and form interference effects in translation in early and late fluent and non-fluent Spanish-Catalan bilinguals. Language Learning, 56:4 Dec '06, 571-608. Impact Factor:

FUENTES S., COLOMINA M.T., RODRIGUEZ J., VICENS P., DOMINGO J.L. (2006). Interactions in developmental toxicology: Concurrent exposure to perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and stress in pregnant mice. Toxicological Letters, 164, 81-89. Impact Factor:

GARCIA, M.D. (2006). Supermainadera: una formula per a l'educació?. Guix, 326-327, 75-82. Impact Factor:

GARCIA, M.D. Y PASTOR, E. (2006). Dimensiones para el análisis de la interacción y la gestión del juego compartido padres-hijos. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 29(2), 177-190. Impact Factor:

GARCÍA-ALBEA, J.E. (2006). Sobre la unidad de la psicología y los problemas del método. Anuario de Psicología, 37 (núm. 1-2), 53-63. Impact Factor:

JANÉ, M.C., CANALS, J., BALLESPÍ, S., VIÑAS F., ESPARÓ G., DOMÈNECH, E. (2006). Parents and teachers reports of DSM-IV psychopathological symptoms in preschool children: Differences between urban-rural Spanish areas. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 5, 386-393. Impact Factor:

LORENZO-SEVA, U. Y FERRANDO, P. J. (2006). FACTOR: a computer program to fit the exploratory Factor Analysis model. Behavioral Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, 38(1), 88-91. Impact Factor:

LORENZO-SEVA, U., & TEN BERGE, J. M. F. (2006). Tucker's congruence coefficient as a meaningful index of factor similarity. Methodology, 2, 57-64. Impact Factor:

MIRÓ J., HUGUET A., NIETO R., PAREDES S. I BAOS J. (2006). Valoración de la Escala de Caras- Revisada (Faces Pain Scale-Revised) para evaluar la intensidad de dolor pediátrico en niños castellano parlantes. Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor, 12, 407-416. Impact Factor:

RIBES D., TORRENTE, M., VICENS P., COLOMINA MT., DOMINGO, JL. (2006). Oral aluminum exposure: effects on locomotor activity and spatial learning in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine, 9, 426-431. Impact Factor:

ROIG, JL., FUENTES, S., COLOMINA, MT., VICENS, P. Y DOMINGO JL. (2006). Aluminum, restraint stress and aging: Behavioral effects in rats after 1 and 2 years of aluminum exposure. Toxicology, 218, 112-124. Impact Factor:

SÁNCHEZ-CASAS, R.; FERRÉ, P.; GARCÍA-ALBEA, J.E.; GUASCH, M. (2006). The nature of semantic priming: Effects of the degree of semantic similarity between primes and targets in Spanish. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 18(2), 161-184. Impact Factor: